Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sexual Intimacy and Marriage

I knew that sex was very important in marriage but there are some implications that can come up that I never considered. A man is stimulated and can do his thing way faster than a girl. I don't think that comes as a surprise to anyone. If he is not considerate, this can become very frustrating to the wife. He can seem cold and uncaring and that might make her not want to be intimate with her husband. this is a problem because that's how a man feels close to his wife. If he isn't getting the opportunity to feel close to his wife, he isn't going to want to do the things that she needs him to do to feel close to him. A woman needs to feel emotionally close to her husband before she feels ready for sex. Can you see the problem? If one part of the cycle is not fulfilled then the other part is lacking which makes the first part worse and it spirals out of control. The only way to break this is for the couple to realize what is going on and do something drastic to fix it. I implied at the beginning that it is the mans fault for all of this but that isn't true. It's just one possible scenario. The woman can try being manipulative and hold sex over his head. That's probably the cruelest thing a woman could do to a man in my opinion. What I'm getting at is that sexual intimacy plays a huge role in the health of the relationship. It needs to be actively checked and monitored to keep the relationship going.

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