Saturday, September 28, 2013

My First Post!!

We I'm going to be honest blogging is really not my thing. This is the first one for me so we will see how this turns out. A couple things that surprised me this week was fist that the birth rate is actually lower than the death rate in this country. If it wasn't for immigration, our population would be in decline. That was a new one for me. Especially all the big deal everyone makes about immigration. They are the reason we still have a consistent population!! Another statistic that shocked me was the divorce rate even among LDS people! It might be a little lower for us but we aren't to far behind the curve! That's all for this week. As I get used to this, I will write bigger posts.

1 comment:

  1. Haha it sounds like you're learning quite a bit! The statistics really can be shocking!
